The Community Farm

leggi in italiano

Located inside an ancient quarry, from where calcarenite oblong blocks were mined to built the Norman Palace ramparts and the Massimo Theatre walls, the Community Farm visually shows how the urban rebirthing process – concerning the entire neighbourhood – has increasing the value of landscape and environment through the involvement of local people and external people thinking Danisinni as a second house. The Community Farm represents a welcome and social inclusion context where everybody can find a participating space just visiting the locations, acceding to different weekly proposals as workshops or events, or working for environment care and farming.

Created in 2016, the Farm has seen, as a first step, the biblical garden planting and the first animal welcome, the donkey Tobia from Amiata, adopted from the Town as a symbol of the “ Honesty Party “.

Starting from the trees – featuring the biblical history during the centuries – has given an important symbolic value, because they have been the silent witnesses of times flow in a place where our civilization was born and Christian spirituality put its roots. They perform the hedge and the gift of God who continuously takes care of mankind through the creation.

The biblical garden means to express a break space to contemplate the environment or to read in order to meditate about the cultural heritage we have received.

The adoption of donkey Tobia has introduced a care and assumption of responsibility process giving value to the relantionship with the different animals now hosted in the farm, starting from respect, listening and empathy as central aspects in the interaction with people.

Today the Farm represents a place where people “ get their hands dirty “ through planting, breeding, cooking, playing, painting, construction of planters, benches and animal shelters.

The area has been divided in four sections to enable the performing paths and the different interests.

The biblical garden has hosted inside the seasonal vegetables farming and many parish members daily work over there as well as past prisoners in social reintegration.

The ludic section finds in the playground a zappy space for children and their families. In this section it’s also possible to have periodically lunch cooked from farm volunteers.

A third area concerns with shelters and animals activities and care : it’s an amazing place where it occurs to see a newborn lamb or the multicoloured plumes of ornamental chickens.

Finally in the Farm there is also the creative marquee where inside, every day, many workshop activities for children turn over from circensian art to theatre, from karate to Graeco-Roman wrestling, from handling workshops to painting ones.

Furthermore, inside the marquee, events, performances and common thinking moments are periodically organized.

In the Farm perimeter, in order to show how the borders have established not to miss out but to welcome and share, there is a “work in progress” path with murals painted from international artists and permaculture benches where environmental conditions and territory needs are harmonized.

The artistic beauty together with the fertility of a preserved environment and not wounded from intensive farming, is the reference frame of the world that daily live in Danisinni Farm.

Notably the mural on the external wall of Saint Agnese Church apsis, shows a family life purposeful scene overlooking the farm. A couple is figured with broken bread, sign of sharing and community ; it is the fruit of people labour, meaning about personal history as an offer and not an ownership to defend and discovering with surprise this gift, as food linking the Sky with the Earth.

We recognize in this image the synthesis of a path in which personal life is considered a common life, the only one giving a meaning and a value to our days.

The Community Farm, in this way, with the job of a lot of people, likes to share and to narrate a common time.